Overview of Retirement Pension

Retirement pension plan is one of three main pillars for guaranteeing a better later life

A retirement pension plan is the main pillar in the 3-tier structure of ensuring an abundant later life. To make your retirement an abundant one, you are advised to subscribe to both national pension plan for “a basic life” and a retirement pension plan for "a standard life."

OECD, world bank가 권고하는 3층 노후보장 구조는 1층은 국민연금이 기초생활을 보장하는 사회보장이고, 2층은 퇴직연금이 표준생활 보장으로 기업보장이며, 3층은 개인연금이 여유생활 보장을 위한 자기보장입니다.

Foreign Exchange Rate

2025/02/14 02:08:18
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USD 1,467.74 1,417.26
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