Overview of Retirement Pension

The reliable RPP partner for companies and employees
Woori Bank Is Your Best RPP Operator!

An internationally acknowledged bank

For RPP, the bank’s stability is crucial. Woori Bank has earned the same credit rating as the sovereign credit rating from Moody’s

Woori Bank의 총자산 증가 추이를 보여주는 표입니다. 2009년도에는 238조, 2010년도에는 241조, 2011년도에는 253조로 지속적인 증가추세를 보이고 있습니다.

Asset management consulting that pursue both stability and profitability

Through short and long-term forecasts of financial markets, we provide the principal-guaranteed time deposits, investment-linked funds, etc. Our experienced investment experts use the advanced investment process, and provide the optimal tailored investment products.

Woori Bank은 최적의 연금제도 설계를 통해 최상의 상품을 제공하고, 안정적인 자산운용으로 고객님의 수익률을 종합적이고 체계적으로 관리합니다.

RPP Adoption Consulting Service Supported by Experts and Advanced Systems

Diverse experts in RPP, asset investment, RPP accounting, and taxation provide consulting concerning the RPP adoption.
In consideration of your corporate characteristics and financial status, we design an optimal plan, helping both the company and its employees achieve a win-win partnership.

  • 01  Gather basic data
    Gather and analyze various data. Define objectives and priority.
  • 02  Detailed analysis
    Analyze the cost effect of RPP conversion methods.
  • 03  Design the RPP
    Design the RPP to suit your objectives, accounting, financial and other characteristics.
  • 04  Detailed analysis
    Your final decision making

Differentiated value-added services for corporate subscribers and employees

We offer not only forward-looking investment and education services, but also provide Woori Bank's unique favorable services.

  • Corporate services
    Evaluate K-IFRS retirement benefit liability
  • Services for employees
    Happy Life passbook special service
    Exempt the fees for Happy Life passbook’s Internet banking, telebanking, mobile banking and ATM transfers
    Happy Life Welfare Mall benefits for RPP subscribers
    Under our partnership with the employee welfare mall EZWEL, subscribers can get discounts from 12,000 online shops.

Foreign Exchange Rate

2025/02/14 02:08:18
통화 환율 정보
Currency Buy Sell
USD 1,467.74 1,417.26
JPY 964.67 931.49
EUR 1,544.46 1,484.80

Woori Call Center

  • 1599-2288 (Dedicated Foreigner Call Center) -> 1(English), 2(Chinese), 3(Vietnamese), 4(Uzbek), 5(Russia), 6(Tai), 7(Mongolian), 8(Japanese), 9(Cambodian, Indonesian, Tagalog)
  • 1588-5000, 1599-5000 (Domestic)
  • 82-2-2006-5000 (International)
  • Business hours : 09:00 ~ 18:00, Mon-Fri