Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
- What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) refers to the investment made by a foreigner under Foreign Investment Promotion Act to establish continuous economic relations with and participating in the management of a Korean corporation or a company run by a national of the Republic of Korea.
- - The amount of investment : KRW 100,000,000 (approximately USD 95,000) or more AND
- - The ratio of investment : 10% or more of either the total number of voting shares or the total equity investment

- Acquiring newly issued stocks (Pre-notification)
- Acquiring existing stocks(Prenotification/Post notification for listed stocks)
- Acquiring stocks by mergers, etc. (Post notification)
- Foreign Investment by Acquisition of Stocks (or Contribution) Notification Form, Application for Authorization
- Send investment funds or bring cash through customs
- Subscribe paid-in-capital/Deposit individual business fund
- Deposit into transferrer’s a/c
- Register incorporation and business (*Non banking business)
- Registration of a foreign-invested company
- Report of foreign investment in forms of long-term loans (Pre-notification)
* Report after registration of foreign-invested company

POST MANAGEMENT : Transfer/reduction, additional investment, registration/registration of changes, etc
- Re-registration of a foreign-invested company
- Capital increase/reduce by Korean stockholders
- Transfer/Reduction of acquired shares
- Mergers/change of name of a foreign investor
- Change of name/address of foreign-invested co.
- Registration of a foreign-invested company (changes of information)
- Registration of a foreign-invested company
- Cancellation of a foreign-invested company registration
- Close its business (Certificate of business closure, etc)
- Transfer/reduce all the stocks of foreign investors
- Registration of a foreign-invested company (changes of information)
- Certificate of Cancellation of a foreign-invested company