e-Business Dotcom Account

Internet only access flexible deopsit/withdrawal account for business customers (including a sole trader) without a passbook. Earn reward interest. No transfer fees.
Product characteristics
  • Internet only access flexible deopsit/withdrawal account for business customers (including a sole trader) without a passbook.
  • No concern for the passbook loss (no-passbook product)
  • Earn comparative reward interest of 1.0% pts p.a. towards the general deposit/withdrawal account.
  • The interest is paid for the small-amount deposit (less than KRW 500,000).
  • Based on the previous month average balance, the fee for Internet banking and telebanking transfer to other banks will be reduced by half (Until December 15, 2012)
    • A 50% fee discount will be offered from the 16th of this month to the 15th of the next month for a account that has more than KRW 5 million average balance in the previous month.
    • A 50% fee discount will be applied for a new (including switching) e-Business DotCom account until the 15th of the month after the next month with no condition.
      However, automatic transfers to other bank accounts will not be exempted.
Depositor protection
This deposit account is protected by the Depositor Protection Act but the protection limit is “KRW 50 million” per person, which combines the principal and prescribed interest of all financial products protected by the Act in Woori Bank. The amount that exceeds KRW 50 million will not be protected.
Subscriber qualification
Customer given with the business registration number (including a sole trader)
Accounts that can be subscribed (switched)
Flexible business savings (However, SOHO Cheonsa, Woori Myeongga, MMDA, MMF Plus are not allowed)
Subscription method
  • Opening an account is only available at branches.
  • Switching from existing savings account is available both online and at the branch.
Transaction methods
  • As a general rule, an electronic financial channel should be used. (Apply for a cash card, if necessary.)
    • Internet banking, mobile banking, telebanking, and automated machines (CD/ATM).
Special treatment service
  • The memo and statistics functions are provided to users for using their passbook as a household ledger.
  • Up to 10 years transaction history can be viewed after switching to this account.
  • 50% discount of the Woori notice SMS fee.
e-Green Passbook
  • [e-Green Passbook] is available upon request.
    • However, the deposit/withdrawal transaction history will not be printed on the passbook.
    • Make a transcation at the branch with your 'e-Green Passbook' following the same process as a general passbook. (No identification document is required to withdraw money.)
For more information on the product, please contact a nearby Woori Bank's branch or customer center (1599-5000, 1588-5000).

Foreign Exchange Rate

2025/01/21 21:12:28
통화 환율 정보
Currency Buy Sell
USD 1,467.23 1,416.77
JPY 941.01 908.65
EUR 1,522.01 1,463.21

Woori Call Center

  • 1599-2288 (Dedicated Foreigner Call Center) -> 1(English), 2(Chinese), 3(Vietnamese), 4(Uzbek), 5(Russia), 6(Tai), 7(Mongolian), 8(Japanese), 9(Cambodian, Indonesian, Tagalog)
  • 1588-5000, 1599-5000 (Domestic)
  • 82-2-2006-5000 (International)
  • Business hours : 09:00 ~ 18:00, Mon-Fri